O recurso patético ao proparoxítono humorístico ou sarcástico ou satírico

O recurso patético ao proparoxítono humorístico ou sarcástico ou satírico

segunda-feira, 17 de maio de 2010

Once there was a way, to get back homeward.
Once there was a way, to get back home.
Sleep pretty darling, do not cry.
And I will sing a lullaby.

Golden Slumbers fill your eyes.
Smiles awake you when you rise.
Sleep pretty darling, do not cry.
And I will sing a lullaby.

Once there was a way, to get back homward.
Once there was a way, to get back home.
Sleep pretty darling, do not cry.
And I will sing a lullaby.

amoessamúsica :~

Um comentário:

  1. Tbbbbbbb! Acho lindo quando Thiago faz o solinho! Tanananananana-nan...



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